The imaginary borders we create in our minds and human relationships manifest through our interactions with one another. In the airspace, there are no physical borders that separate countries, but humans created those internal prison walls. Overtime, those internal prison walls breed inequality, inequity, and a host of other boundaries that disrupt intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships.

What would happen if humans understand that “What affects one directly, affects all indirectly?” What would happen to our humanity if we learn how to love ourselves ‘Properly?’ What would happen to humanity if we understand that there are five undisputable and unapologetic truths about human existence:

  • We were all born naked
  • Somebody cared and clothed us in some fashion or another when we were babies
  • Pain and joy have universal psychological affects
  • Someone must have assisted us to arrive at where we are at this moment
  • Every human being has blood that runs in their veins (no exceptions)

If these universal constructs are true, we owe humanity an apology for not promoting diversity and inclusion; for not Properly loving one another; and for not admitting our inadequacies and positive illusions.

Let us Think critically and self-reflect on how we relate to one another. Because in the final analysis, one question remains timeless and unyieldingly true:

On personal and societal levels, what contributions have we made to humanity? I invite you to self-reflect and THINK